Holiday Matsuri invites members of the media to apply for press credentials for Holiday Matsuri 2024, taking place from December 20-22, 2024, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, FL.

Press access is limited to active media outlets and qualified members of their respective outlets. These include (blogs, print news, radio, TV) these outlets must produce regular editorial contributions. Press members may be Writers, Reporters, Reviewers, Producers, Photographers, and cameramen who are attending with the specific goal of covering Holiday Matsuri.

Registration deadline is November 31st, 2024

Applying in Advance is Recommended. On-site press registration will be limited and on a case-by-case basis. All press submissions will be carefully considered and approved at our discretion.

Eligibility Requirements

Holiday Matsuri press badges are available to professional, credentialed media outlets and content creators actively engaged in covering events similar to Holiday Matsuri. Qualified applicants include:

To qualify for a press/media badge, applicants must meet the following criteria:

Established Media Outlets: Press applicants must represent a recognized media outlet that has been active within the past 3 months and in operation for at minimum 2 years.

  • Print Media: Reporters, photographers, and editors from newspapers, magazines, or other printed publications.
  • Digital Media: Writers, bloggers, and content creators from online publications, blogs, or platforms.
  • Broadcast Media: Producers, reporters, and photographers from television and radio stations.
  • Social Media: YouTube channels, podcasts, or content creators with a significant following on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, or Twitch, primarily covering anime, gaming, cosplay, or pop culture.
  • Freelance: Journalists or photographers with recent, relevant work for recognized outlets.

Coverage Expectation: Applicants must provide any pre-event and post-event coverage. Coverage of Holiday Matsuri must be published within 30 days of the event, with links to coverage sent to

Credential Guidelines

Accepted Credentials

Business Card
A professional business card is required and must be presented on-site when picking up your press badge(s). The card should clearly display your name, title, and media outlet or organization.

Letter of Introduction and Intent
A formal letter of introduction on your publication’s or organization’s official letterhead. 
For student journalists, this letter must be provided by your school’s media department or professor and include the outlet you are working with.

Print Media: Provide your publication’s circulation numbers (the number of copies in distribution) or audience size.

Online Media: Provide your site’s web traffic statistics for the past six months. This should include: Monthly unique visitorsand Total page views.

Social Media Influencers: Include your total follower/subscriber count on your primary platforms and provide engagement metrics (such as average likes, comments, or views per post).

Examples of Past Coverage
You must provide links or samples of two recent articles, videos, or other media demonstrating coverage of a previous convention or similar event. These examples should showcase your ability to professionally cover large-scale events like Holiday Matsuri.

Press Badge Policies

All members of the press who are approved for credentials must adhere to the following policies. Violation of these policies may result in the revocation of your press badge and denial of future press applications.

Press Badge Usage

Non-Transferable: Press badges are non-transferable and must be worn at all times while attending Holiday Matsuri. Sharing or passing off badges to unapproved individuals is strictly prohibited.

Badge Pickup: Press badges must be picked up on-site at the designated registration area. A valid business card and photo ID are required for verification during badge pickup.

Coverage Requirements

Post-Event Coverage: All press outlets are required to submit post-event content (e.g., reviews, photo galleries, videos) within 30 days of the event. Failure to produce post-event coverage may result in denial of future press applications.

Coverage Submission: Links to published work must be emailed to after publication.

Media Conduct

Professional Behavior: All members of the press are expected to conduct themselves professionally while on-site. This includes respecting event staff, guests, and attendees.

Restricted Areas: Press access does not grant entry to private or restricted areas unless specific approval has been given. Press badge holders must adhere to all event guidelines regarding photography, videography, and recording in these spaces.

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